Success of School Watch in Tweed Valley
Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch over the last few months has been generating more schools into this Tweed NHW initiative of School Watch. As it stands at the moment we have six schools participating with another three being investigated this program is designed to keep children’s parents plus the...
Home safety tips to keep you and you property safe at home
Home should be a place where you and your family can enjoy safety and security. Criminals are often opportunists, and will will target homes with poor home security to steal belongings. You can secure your home by taking a few simple steps which will significantly lower the risk of your home being...
Beware opening a scammer’s con this Christmas
The ACCC is warning the community to be wary of scammers trying to ruin their Christmas holidays. “Scammers often try to take advantage of people during the busy Christmas period and prey on our vulnerabilities at this time of year. For example, they may take advantage of you looking for a good...
Halloween Safety Tips
As hordes of children, or ghouls, vampires, zombies or whatever the case may be, prepare to head out onto the streets this Halloween, the NSW Police have provided some advice on ensuring children remain safe. NSW Police Corporate Sponsor for Crime Prevention, Chief Superintendent Brad Shepherd,...
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia Project Recognised
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia’s Remote and Vulnerable Communities Project (RAVC) received a bronze award in the community-led category of the 2017 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (ACVPA). The ACVPAs recognise best practice in the prevention or reduction of violence and other...
Safety for Senior Citizens
(by Pam Blowers, NHW Assistant Coordinator) The ‘Safety for seniors’ information sessions being conducted by Tweed Heads Police are a crime prevention initiative which started in May 2014. The information sessions cover topics including personal safety, home security, credit card fraud and scams...
Ride to Connect 2017
Combining a passion for cycling and a passion for community safety is what has driven Bernie Durkin to undertake the biggest personal challenge of his life. Cycling solo across Australia to promote the importance of keeping Australia safe. Bernie, 55, married, a father of two, is the Executive...
House Call Doctor now in Tweed – Offering After-Hours Care at No Cost
Residents living between Tweed Heads and Kingscliff will now have greater access to after-hours GPs, as House Call Doctor has launched in the region. House Call Doctor provides 100% bulk-billed GP visits to Medicare or DVA Card holders. Medical consultations are done in the privacy of peoples'...

Success of School Watch in Tweed Valley
Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch over the last few months has been generating more schools into this Tweed NHW initiative of School Watch. As it stands at the moment we have six schools participating with another three being investigated this program is designed to...

Home safety tips to keep you and you property safe at home
Home should be a place where you and your family can enjoy safety and security. Criminals are often opportunists, and will will target homes with poor home security to steal belongings. You can secure your home by taking a few simple steps which will significantly...

Beware opening a scammer’s con this Christmas
The ACCC is warning the community to be wary of scammers trying to ruin their Christmas holidays. “Scammers often try to take advantage of people during the busy Christmas period and prey on our vulnerabilities at this time of year. For example, they may take...

Halloween Safety Tips
As hordes of children, or ghouls, vampires, zombies or whatever the case may be, prepare to head out onto the streets this Halloween, the NSW Police have provided some advice on ensuring children remain safe. NSW Police Corporate Sponsor for Crime Prevention, Chief...

Neighbourhood Watch Australasia Project Recognised
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia’s Remote and Vulnerable Communities Project (RAVC) received a bronze award in the community-led category of the 2017 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (ACVPA). The ACVPAs recognise best practice in the prevention or...

Safety for Senior Citizens
(by Pam Blowers, NHW Assistant Coordinator) The ‘Safety for seniors’ information sessions being conducted by Tweed Heads Police are a crime prevention initiative which started in May 2014. The information sessions cover topics including personal safety, home security,...

Ride to Connect 2017
Combining a passion for cycling and a passion for community safety is what has driven Bernie Durkin to undertake the biggest personal challenge of his life. Cycling solo across Australia to promote the importance of keeping Australia safe. Bernie, 55, married, a...

House Call Doctor now in Tweed – Offering After-Hours Care at No Cost
Residents living between Tweed Heads and Kingscliff will now have greater access to after-hours GPs, as House Call Doctor has launched in the region. House Call Doctor provides 100% bulk-billed GP visits to Medicare or DVA Card holders. Medical consultations are done...
Parcel Scams
[mp_row] [mp_span col="3"] [mp_image id="1785" size="full" link_type="custom_url" link="#" target="false" caption="true" align="left"] [/mp_span] [mp_span col="9"] Watch out for fake parcel delivery scams this Christmas Scammers are sending emails pretending to be...
No more excuses – ADVOs now in Plain English
[mp_row] [mp_span col="3"] [mp_image id="1743" size="large" link_type="custom_url" link="#" target="false" caption="false" align="left"] [/mp_span] [mp_span col="9"] [mp_text] Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, has welcomed the announcement that new Plain English...