2013 Tweed PCYC Golf Day Fundraiser

2013 Tweed PCYC Golf Day Fundraiser
The PCYC Golf Day will this year be held at the Abbey Golf Course & Rachel Hetherington Golf Range in Cobaki Lakes.
9 holes of golf (4 ball Ambrose), driving range activities – longest drive, putting competition, stroke correction from Rachel, sausage sizzle on arrival, presentation & meal, drinks on course, entertainment from Australian Cricket legend Greg Ritchie, prizes, transport back to Tweed Heads & more.
- Team Entry and Hole Sponsorship – $350. Includes entry for a team of 4, plus your signage on an allocated hole and acknowledgement as a sponsor.
- Team Entry (4 players) – $240.
- Individual Entry – $65.
- Hole Sponsorship Only – $200. (All fees include GST).
Postal Address: PO Box 380 Tweed Heads 2485
Email: mmadden@pcycnsw.org.au Fax: 07 5599 5738
Enquiries contact: Mark Madden or Gerry Keyte on 07 5599 1714