29 April, 2016 | Local Events
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Personal violence is significantly under reported to police. Personal crime offenders target people they perceive as vulnerable and likely to offer the least resistance.
When out and about
- Appear confident, self assured and comfortable in your surroundings through strong, positive body language. Look ‘streetwise’ rather than fearful.
- Be aware of your surrounds and alert to what is going on around you.
- Listen to, trust and act on your instincts. If you sense danger from someone, something or a place, immediately remove yourself to a safer place.
- Do what you think will bes preserve your safety. Options include running away, screaming, negotiating with the attacker, calling for assistance and using physical self defence as a last resort.
- Don’t put up a fight for your bag or possessions. If someone threatens you and tries to steal your belongings, the safest option is to surrender the items. Take note of the offender’s description and immediately report the incident to police.
If you are the victim of any form of assault, you are encouraged to report the incident to police.
If you observe suspicious or threatening behaviour, call police. You can dial 000 (triple zero) in an emergency, even if your phone is locked.
If safe to do so, respond to any calls for assistance. Assisting others in need is important and may prevent or stop an assault from escalating.
Wearing headphones or using your mobile phone while out walking can reduce your awareness of what is happening around you and make you more vulnerable to an attack.
Source: NHWA Journal April 2016
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29 June, 2015 | Local Events
Tweed Byron Local Area Command joined forces with Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch and other agencies in celebrating in “100 Years of Women in Policing in NSW”. The day was fine with the sun breaking through light cloud and not too hot for the participating police ladies running in the baton race, from Point Danger to the PCYC in Recreation Street just along from the Tweed Heads Police Station.
The day was well patronised with Police, Volunteers, and the public, as it happened it was school sports day with a multitude of young children participating In their chosen sport. The Neighbourhood Watch Marquee was a favourite with the kids and the Parents. Amazing children still love balloons we got rid of heaps all with the NHW and Police logos.
We also gave away NHWA brochures to the adults on subject such as Behind Closed Doors (Domestic Violence). Protect Your Home, And Protect Your Vehicle. All very Valuable information.
You can’t work on an empty stomach so the Volunteer Rescue Squad came to the rescue with a very tasty sausage sizzle, the sausages were so good by the end of this very special day they were all gone.
There was a couple of short speeches one by Acting Superintendent Cowen who as part of his speech welcomed along Elders from the local Tweed Aboriginal family.
Tweed Police carried out a great job in organizing the day, and Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch was pleased to be invited to play their part, it gave us great exposure which is so valuable to the organisation and keeping Neighbourhood Watch top of mind in the community. We look forward to working alongside our local Police at the Top of the state in Northern NSW once again In the near future.
3 February, 2015 | Local Events, Safety and Security
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With more to come!
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Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch, in conjunction with Tweed/Byron Local Area Command police, had a very successful Community Engagement Day last week on Friday 30 January, 2015 at Tweed City Shopping Centre.
We were joined by several police, VIPs (Volunteers in Policing), NHW volunteers including our executive board.
The words of our Tweed/Byron LAC Crime Prevention Officer, Senior Constable Bradley Foster, state it best:
Tweed Byron LAC would like to take this opportunity to thank the Tweed Heads volunteers in policing, members of the Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch group and the Tweed City Shopping Center management for assisting with the very successful community engagement day last Friday 30th January 2015.
We launched the new ATV for high visibility policing on local beaches and use during the numerous music festivals. We also offered the free installation of registration plate security tamper resistant screws, as a crimes prevention strategy for our local community.
Over 50 vehicles had tamper resistant screws fitted to their license plate and we met hundreds of great community minded residents and visitors.
Due to the great success of this event we will be holding others. Early murmouring suggests that the next event will be in 6 months or so.
We’ll keep you posted.
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Thanks from our Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch Chairman, Geoff Provest.
24 June, 2014 | Local Events
Last Saturday, 21 June 2014, Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch groups carried out an Information Day Kiosk at Tweed City Shopping Centre.
A lot of interest was shown by the public and several NHW volunteers were on hand to talk to to the shoppers, hand out safety tip brochures and discuss with passer-bys how best to protect themselves, their homes and their local neighbourhoods.
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia kindly provided UV Security marking Pens for people to mark their valuables, caps, informational brochures and other safety material which were all very popular on the day.
The day was a great success and we are planning another Information Day Kiosk soon.
Special thanks to Tweed City Shopping Centre management for providing us the floor space to get the importance of safety and security out to the general public.
4 June, 2014 | Local Events, National News
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia are teaming up with Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Watch Inc to hold a national conference and information day at Tweed Heads on Wednesday 22 October 2014.
Venue to be announced.
Information session content and some of the finer details are yet to be decided on but as details come to hand they will be updated on the Events page.
View Event
This is a unique opportunity and we encourage all residents of the community, whatever your location, to attend.
All members of the community are welcome.
14 February, 2013 | Local Events

Relay for Life 2013
When: 3.00pm Saturdayto 9.00am Sunday
Date: 23 and 24 March 2013
Where: Cudgen Leagues Club Kingscliff
Relay For Life is an overnight, community event where teams of 10-15 participate in a relay-style walk or run to raise funds for Cancer Council. The event brings the whole community together for a night of fun, entertainment, celebration and remembrance. Each Relay For Life event is organised by a local volunteer organising committee on behalf of Cancer Council.
Everybody in the community can get involved. Cancer Council recommends each Relay For Life team consists of 10-15 team members, including a nominated team captain. There are no age limitations or fitness requirements. Relay For Life is suitable for everyone, and anyone can join in the fun!
Donate, register or just find out more about the Tweed Valley Relay for Life on their website relay.cancercouncil.com.au/2013/tweed_valley_2013.